Top Flutter Widgets Every Developer Should Know

Are you looking to create stunning mobile apps with Flutter? Then you're in for a treat!

Flutter is a mobile application framework that allows developers to build apps for both Android and iOS platforms, using a single codebase. In Flutter, widgets are the building blocks of a user interface. Whether it's text, buttons, images, or animations, everything is a widget in Flutter.

But with so many widgets available in Flutter, how do you know which ones to use? Which widgets should you know to build beautiful UIs?

That's where we come in! We've put together a list of the top Flutter widgets every developer should know. Let's dive in!

1. Text Widget

Every mobile app needs text to communicate with its users. And in Flutter, the Text widget is the go-to widget for displaying text.

The Text widget is highly customizable, allowing you to set the font, size, color, and alignment of the text. You can even use custom fonts in your app!

Here's an example code snippet of using the Text widget.

  'Hello, Flutter!',
  style: TextStyle(
    fontFamily: 'Roboto',
    fontSize: 24.0,

This code will display the text "Hello, Flutter!" in the center of the app screen using the Roboto font with a font size of 24dp.

2. ListView Widget

The ListView widget is used to display a scrollable list of widgets. It is one of the most commonly used widgets in Flutter for displaying large amounts of data.

The ListView widget is highly customizable, allowing you to create both vertical and horizontal scrollable lists of widgets. You can even build a custom layout for your list view.

Here's an example code snippet of using the ListView widget.

  itemCount: data.length,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    return Card(
      child: ListTile(
        title: Text(data[index]['title']),
        subtitle: Text(data[index]['subtitle']),

This code will display a list of cards, where each card has a title and subtitle, based on the data in the data list.

3. Container Widget

The Container widget is used to create a rectangular box to hold any type of widget. It's a versatile widget that can be used for padding, margin, and decoration.

The Container widget is highly customizable, allowing you to set the height, width, color, and decoration of the box. You can even use the decoration property to add a background image, gradient, or border to your box.

Here's an example code snippet of using the Container widget.

  height: 100.0,
  width: 100.0,
  child: Center(
    child: Text(
      style: TextStyle(
        color: Colors.white,
        fontSize: 24.0,

This code will create a red box with a height and width of 100dp, with the text "Flutter" centered inside the box, using a white font of size 24dp.

4. Row and Column Widgets

The Row and Column widgets are used to create a layout of widgets in a horizontal or vertical direction, respectively. They're essential for creating responsive and flexible UIs.

The Row and Column widgets are highly customizable, allowing you to align, space, and stretch the widgets within them. You can even use them to create nested rows and columns.

Here's an example code snippet of using the Row and Column widgets.

  children: [
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
      children: [
    SizedBox(height: 16.0),
      children: [
        SizedBox(width: 8.0),

This code will create a layout of two rows, where each row contains three text widgets. The first row will space the widgets evenly, while the second row will center the widgets horizontally.

5. Image Widget

Images are an essential part of any mobile app. In Flutter, the Image widget is used to display images in your app.

The Image widget is highly customizable, allowing you to use both local and network images, set the width and height of the image, and even apply different filters to the image.

Here's an example code snippet of using the Image widget.
  width: 250.0,
  height: 250.0,
  fit: BoxFit.cover,

This code will display a network image from the link provided, with a width and height of 250dp, and fitting the image to cover the entire space given.


And there you have it - the top Flutter widgets every developer should know! With these widgets in your arsenal, you'll be able to build stunning mobile apps with ease.

So go forth and start building! And for more Flutter tutorials and resources, be sure to check out our website

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